New Journal

Fill in the Form

    Title of the proposed journal

    Aims and scope of the proposed journal

    What would be the address for editorial office of the proposed journal?


    If it is a print only journal how many copies will be required for each issue?

    Email address:

    Affiliated society/association or the owner of the proposed journal:

    What is the scheduled launch date of the journal?

    Editor/Editor-in-Chief of the proposed journal and his/her affiliation:


    Name of the person filling the form:

    Phone number:

    Start a new journal

    Let us help you, your association or society publish your new or existing journal(s).
    If you wish to publish a new journal, fill and submit the form below.

    (+91) 9545993785

    Sana Enclave, 2nd Floor, FN-204, Behind Faran Hospital, Malegaon, District-Nashik, Maharashtra, PIN-423203, India.